Dry needling uses acupuncture needles to decrease tissue tightness and signal healing factors to the area. Book as an individual session or it is included in any Releaseology session
Neurokinetic therapy (NKT) is used to treat pain and dysfunction by targeting compensation patterns, causing imbalance in the body. Book as a Releaseology session or the NKT/Vagus Nerve combo
Nervous system regulation targeted to the functioning of the vagus nerve will have profound effects on your health. Book any of my vagus nerve sessions for this servce
Dolphin neurostim uses micropoint stimulation to decrease pain, break up scar tissue and improve vagus nerve signal. Included in any Releaseology session
Whether you have been diagnosed with vertigo or just have lingering symptoms of spinning and dizziness. I can help! Book the vertigo and diziness service
Cupping is helpful to pull the tight tissue away from the body. I use it in several applications: leaving the cup still, moving the cup while it's suctioning, and keeping the cup still while you move. Included in any Releaseology session or stretch therapy session
This really is a full body release session that includes: massage, assisted stretch and physical therapy techniques to improve joint mobility. Book any stretch therapy session
Emotional Release
I am able to pinpoint where in your body you are holding onto past traumas. It feels like a muscle memory release to me, releasing my car accident from 10 years ago, had be moving as if I had never been injured. Book any Releaseology session for an emotional release
Improved Breathing
I look at everything from diaphragm to the muscles in between your ribs, jaw, airway and the muscles in your neck. Book any Releaseology service or the NKT/Vagus combo
From the headaches to the double vision, balance and return to sport. I can help with the full gamut of recovering from a brain injury and concussion. Included in any Releaseology session
I am trained in several techniques to help get your fascia moving and healthy. Book a stretch therapy session or a Releaseology session
My technique involves external pelvic floor help to help with leakage, erectile dysfunction and so much more. I cannot help with prolapse. Book as a Releaseology session
Ready to Experience the Releaseology Difference?
Contact Me for any Questions or Concerns
You can book a free virtual consult at the book now button. It is always easiest to e-mail me at sara@releaseology.com or text 480.712.0699
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